
Nancy drew the captive curse furance
Nancy drew the captive curse furance

nancy drew the captive curse furance nancy drew the captive curse furance nancy drew the captive curse furance

When she died, Clara felt even more like an outsider. You could argue that Charlotte and Harper were the only two that accepted Clara and I think the game supports this, but that happiness was only while Clara’s mother was alive. Clara’s discomfort with her place in the family has to come from the family making it apparent that she is not wanted. But, generally speaking, a person feels ostracized because of the behaviour of those around them. Clara’s mother might have been cold and distant to Clara (beautifully paralleled with Clara and Jessalyn) but that doesn’t really explain why Clara would feel estranged from her relatives. We know that Clara never felt a part of the family. But what actions? Her treatment of Clara. I think Charlotte’s ghost exists because she regrets her own actions and behaviour. But Charlotte feels too real, too tangible. So if a ghost really exist, why? Why would Charlotte, who is supposed to be the sweetest person become some vengeful ghost? Rintaro’s quote about ghost being guilty remorse (or something like that) comes to mind. the CO explanation doesn’t cover why statues moves, coffins moved, and especially why Nancy would see ghosts in the burned down house where the party was supposed to be. But other than that the house is really haunted. And maybe she kills Nancy if she doesn’t agree to help Jessalyn. Her interaction with the furnace foreshadows the CO explanation. Harper did portray some of the hauntings like the wall that bulges out in the second floor. I’ve played GTH so many times and each time my dislike for Charlotte Thornton grows I am listeningġst of all I think the mansion is haunted.

Nancy drew the captive curse furance